New York Comic Con 2014 Recap
Last Friday, October 9th, I headed to Manhattan for New York Comic Con at the Javits Center! The Husband and I go every year, though we usually hit it up on a Saturday. Last year was insanely horrifically packed, so we were pretty lucky to get Friday tickets this year instead. It was still difficult to navigate the crowds at times, but all-in-all I think a better experience. We saw as much as we could, took pics when we remembered to (which wasn’t as often as we should have!), and ate and bought a lot of stuff! Husband came home with 8 new comics and an adorable print that we’ll hang in our kitchen, and I came home with a couple comics, stickers, a magnet from one of my favorite vendors that I buy from every year, an NYCC shirt, a couple totes and some cute pins- not to mention a plethora of random free stuff! Continue reading New York Comic Con 2014 Recap!