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Throwback Thursday: First Sewing Project!

Throwback Thursday: My First Sewing Project! by Katie Crafts;

When I was young, my Grams (who only knows a few hand stitches and that’s it for her crafty side) taught me the sewing basics. Excited to make something for her using my new skills, I cut up some socks and clothes and hand stitched these two little RIDICULOUS things. One is a bunny, obviously. One is some kind of girl? Probably supposed to be me. I don’t know. I was 12.

Long story short, I just found them the other day in one of her boxes and was super excited for Thursday to come so I could share them! What better Throwback Thursday find than my first sewing project?! What was your first project? Do you still have it somewhere in your home?


P.S. Many thanks to Marsha at Jeanpatch by MK for the shout! Sending some love back your way! Check out Jeanpatch if you have a chance, readers!

2 thoughts on “Throwback Thursday: First Sewing Project!

  1. Now so many years later, you should make me as one of those dolls 😛

  2. My first sewing project was a pair of shorts when I was in 8th grade. They are long gone! This is a really good topic. All of my childhood crafts were given to my Mother and she will not part with them. I will have to go over to her house and take pictures. I’d love to start a topic like this on my blog, Jeanpatch by MK. Thanks for the shout out!

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