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Motivation Monday: Do Your Own Thing

Motivation Monday: Do Your Own Thing on Katie Crafts;

Sometimes it is easy to get pushed along in a certain direction with the rest of the crowd, but we must always try to forge our own way. It is Motivation Monday, so let’s aim to be like this beautiful tree top and not worry about what everyone else is doing. Instead, let’s do our own thing! Continue reading Motivation Monday: Do Your Own Thing

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Washington D.C. Trip Photo Recap!

Washington D.C. Photo Recap! on Katie Crafts;

Finally! I finally got together my favorite photos from my trip to Washington D.C. a couple weekends ago. The Husband and I had so much fun and took SO many photos of the many things we saw (Art! History! Cherry Blossoms!) that it took a long time to parse through the best. Check out all my favorites in my Washington D.C. trip photo recap below! Continue reading Washington D.C. Trip Photo Recap!

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Tax Tips for Online Sellers

Tax Tips for Online Sellers on Katie Crafts;

Tax season is almost over. The dreaded-by-many Tax Day is usually April 15th, but this year will be April 18th- so you procrastinators out there have a little extra time! As an Etsy seller myself, I know how confusing selling online can be when it comes time to file taxes. Any little bit of advice can help, so I was thankful to see this infographic from the US Tax Center! Continue reading Tax Tips for Online Sellers

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2016 Philly Flower Show Recap

2016 Philly Flower Show Recap on Katie Crafts;

It’s finally here! My recap post with a TON of photos from the 2016 Philly Flower Show! We went on March 7th, so I know I’m a little late- thanks for being so patient. 🙂 The theme this year was “Explore America” and was honoring 100 Years of the National Parks Service. Check out all the photos I took below! Continue reading 2016 Philly Flower Show Recap